Great Content Paves The Road To
Benefits For Your Audience And
Profits For Your Business.

I’ve Been Doing This For More Than 20 Years. Let Me Tell You What I Know….
Get What You Need To Create Content That Gets Results.
Get Busy Doing What Matters Most To You. Get Started Today.
- Your one-stop training for content creation that builds and monetizes your list, generates and converts website traffic, and develops sellable products so that it is beneficial for your audience and profitable for your business.
- Everything you need (and nothing you don’t) to create effective content THAT PEOPLE LOVE by helping them solve their problems, reach their goals and enjoy their interests.
- A comprehensive library that you can work your way through at your own pace and refer to over and over again for life to craft every new piece of content into one that gets results.
- All the shortcuts, strategies and systems that I’ve been using for the past 20 years to build a business that has given me the freedom and flexibility to live for what matters most to me.

The Future Of Your Business
Depends On Getting This Right…
There is no way to overestimate the importance of content to the success of your business. It’s the lifeblood that flows in, out and through all you do to GET RESULTS for your audience and your business. It’s the key to helping more people solve their problems, reach their goals and enjoy their interests. It’s the key to getting more customers who spend more money with more frequency.
No matter what sort of business you’re running online, you need content – and a lot of it. I’m talking emails, lead magnets, social media posts, blog posts, sales materials, ebooks, courses, webinar scripts and more. To do what you do to make a difference and make money, you need an ongoing supply of both free and paid content. It’s the only way to start, sustain and scale your business for the future.
But you’re not wanting run-of-the-mill content. And certainly you don’t want barely readable content that so many people are churning out just to fill their blogs, newsletters, lead magnets and social media pages. This isn’t what wins customers and turns them into repeat buyers who are loyal to your business. Bland content and bad content is what sends them elsewhere.
What you need is high-quality content that drives traffic to your site, builds your mailing list, converts prospects into buyers, and turns buyers into loyal repeat customers who buy from you again and again. The only way to do this is to create content that is VALUABLE. That means your content must get attention and lead to action, which is to say that others think your content will help them, and it actually does.
People have to WANT your content before they consume it and LOVE it after they do.
When you create the kind of content that helps people solve their problems, reach their goals and enjoy their interests, you will create the kind of business that earns their trust and their money. What could be better than that? They get help, and you get paid. You make a difference in their lives while making money so you can live for the things that matter most to you. You want to…
Create content that helps your audience for free.
Create content that helps your audience even more for a fee.
By the grace of God, this is what I’ve been doing for over twenty years. There is one thing that I know well: how to create amazing content that people love. Whether you are just getting started or want to take your business to the next level, let me show you how to create content for your niche and tribe that gets results. Results for them. Results for you. Let’s go…
Great Content Is Great For
Your Audience And Your Business…
1. Great Content Gets People To Come To You.
Using content is a great way to deliver high-quality visitors to your website. Reaching your target audience is much easier and more effective when you create and distribute in-demand training and tools. You can blog on your own site, do guest blogging, optimize your content for the search engines, use viral content, post on social media, get others to distribute for you, and much, much more.
2. Great Content Builds Your List Of Raving Fans.
No matter what niche you’re serving, people are looking for solutions – and you can build your list by offering these solutions. Giving away high-quality content is both an incentive for getting new subscribers to join your list and a reason for them to stay subscribed for months and years to come. And, of course, the effective use of content turns those prospects into paying customers. Everybody wins.
3. Great Content Convinces People To Buy From You.
When people know, like and trust you, they’ll be more willing to spend money with you – and quality content helps you develop these relationships. Your free content gives people confidence in your paid content. That is, you prove you can help them solve their problems, reach their goals and enjoy their interests by what you give them at no cost. If they love what they see, they pay to see even more.
4. Great Content Creates Products That People Love.
You can run an entire business just selling highly profitable infoproducts. This includes ebooks, videos, membership sites, coaching offers, webinars, courses, tools (checklists, worksheets, cheat sheets, etc.) and more. The key to long-term success in an information-based business is to keep your customers satisfied with what you deliver. This is what keeps them coming back for more.
5. Great Content Establishes You As A Trusted Authority.
Whether you’re just starting your business or you want to expand your influence in a market, creating high-quality content is the way to do it. Use it to build your brand and establish yourself as a niche authority, which will boost your long-term sales. People will do business with you (or greater levels of it) only when they know that you know what you’re talking about. Content establishes your expertise.
6. Great Content Gets More Orders From More People.
Whether you’re creating your own products or promoting affiliate products, you can use content to get more sales. Your content can presell products on your blog, newsletter and other platforms. You can also use infoproducts as bonuses to increase your conversion rates and profits. Use your content to build anticipation for your next product launch, flash sale, or other promo event.
All of this is dependent on you creating great content.
And Content Creation U is just what you need…

What Is Content Creation U
And The Benefits Of Owning It?
Content Creation U is a 120-lesson training program
that makes it easier to create content that gets results.
Benefits Of Content Creation U
“Your Content Creation Education”
1. You Get The Information You Need To Use At The Pace You Choose.
When you order below you will immediately receive all 12 modules of the Content Creation U training program. Each module contains 10 lessons covering the most important aspects of content creation (a full listing of all 120 lessons is included below). Each lesson is just 4-8 pages so you can consume individual lessons quickly and start implementing them fast. The training program is designed for you to work through the pieces of each module at your own pace, using the various lessons when you need them in real-time for real results.
2. Within The 12 Modules You Have A Comprehensive Content-Creation Library And Education.
From coming up with content ideas to creating high-quality content to presenting it in a professional way, you get all the information you need to start creating content that gets more site visitors, subscribers and sales. This training will quickly become your “go to” resource that you’ll refer to again and again for the lifetime of your business. You will need NO OTHER TRAINING than this for content creation.
3. Your Training Is Evergreen And Will Work For You Immediately And For The Future.
Each lesson in this training includes strategies that are working right now and will continue to work in the future. There are no trendy, here-today-gone-tomorrow tactics included. What you will learn are proven-effective, proven-to-last systems, strategies and shortcuts that I’ve been using, am currently using and will continue to use to create profitable sellable content and pre-sell content that really works.
4. Everything Is Explained In Easy-To-Understand, Easy-To-Apply Language So You Don’t Get Stuck.
I’ve been making a living online for two decades selling infoproducts, and during that time, I’ve developed a stellar reputation as someone who can simplify complex processes. That’s exactly what you’ll find in the Content Creation U materials. This training gives you my “best of the best” strategies in a way that you can understand and put into practice. No fluff. No filler. No figuring it out on your own.
The Content Creation U training gives you the tools and knowledge you need to create high-quality content that’s designed to boost the bottom line of your business.
- If you’re planning to create any kind of course, membership site, or other paid product, you need quality content … and this training will help you create it.
- If you’re planning to create any kind of free content to build your list, generate traffic, establish your expertise, grow your brand, and all those other essential business-building activities … this training will help you create it all.
There really isn’t any “if” about it. Of course you’re gonna be creating free and paid content! You wouldn’t be in business if you weren’t planning on delivering some kind of content to build your business. In fact, you can’t be in business if you don’t deliver content! At least, not for very long.
That’s why Content Creation U is one of the real “must-haves” for starting, sustaining and scaling your business through in-demand content that your community loves.
This is all pretty exciting when you think about it…
Creating high-quality content is one of the keys to unlocking bigger profits in your business – but only if you know the RIGHT way to create it. And that’s exactly what the Content Creation U training will help you do.
The Training Program Works Like This…
Each of the 60-90 page modules consists of 10 lessons to help you create content faster, easier and better. These ten lessons will cover the following EIGHT ESSENTIAL categories…

1. Content Ideation
This category is all about brainstorming topic ideas and finding out what your audience really wants. After putting these lessons into action, you’ll never run out of profitable topic ideas again as you’ll be able to uncover dozens or even hundreds of them that your niche will love. And the strategies in these lessons work in ANY niche for ANY topic. Once you find these ideas, you’ll also learn how to determine which topics to pursue and which ones to set aside. The end result is you’ll be delivering the exact free and paid content that your audience really wants, needs and loves.

2. Content Research
This set of lessons will help you gather talking points, research any piece of content and get on the path to creating effective, profitable content that really helps your community and customers. You’ll discover resources you can use to do your research, how to identify the best references, what you need to include to create an effective piece of content and much more. What steps, tips, examples, keys, ideas, solutions, answers, techniques and advice will most benefit and satisfy your customers? This is what you need to find out in order to create exceptional content. This is what I’ll teach you.

3. Content Branding
This set of lessons is all about standing out in the marketplace so you get the attention of your target audience. You can’t help anyone, and you can’t grow your business if no one is consuming your content, and no one is going to consume your content if your stuff gets lost in a sea of other people’s stuff because it all looks the same. Your content must give others a reason to visit your site, a reason to subscribe to your list, a reason to follow you socially, a reason to access your content, and a reason to buy your products. Learn to become a noted expert who creates useful, engaging content.

4. Content Structure
This category is all about teaching you how to organize and outline your content. Not only does it make the writing process go faster, it also ensures you end up with a high-quality piece of content. Plenty of writers get stuck here or skip this step – and their writing suffers as a result. That’s why this set of lessons will show you some of the best ways to structure your content, how to outline your content quickly without sacrificing quality, how to craft high-converting content and more. If you want to write faster and create more effective content, these lessons will show you how to do it.

5. Content Writing
Inside this set of lessons, you’ll find out how to create a lot of high-quality, effective content faster and easier than ever – even if you don’t consider yourself a “writer.” This collection of lessons will show you how to create content that gets readers interested and keeps them happily consuming your content to the very end. For both free and paid content alike, you’ll learn how to satisfy your niche with what you deliver to them, which means they’ll likely keep coming back for more. Every shortcut and strategy that I know for creating world-class content is included in these lessons.

6. Content Fine-Tuning
These lessons are all about review and revision to turn good content into great content. Here’s where you turn a mediocre piece of content into something that wows your audience and gets their loyal business. This is THE key that separates “the best” from “the rest”: polish before you publish. In fact, one of the biggest mistakes that content creators make is distributing a final draft with first draft quality. Yikes! Instead of this happening to you, these “fine-tuning” lessons will show you simple tweaks you can make to ensure that the best version of your content is what you publish.

7. Content Presentation
A polished presentation adds value to your content, builds trust with your readers, and impresses your audience. Learn this lesson: presentation is just as important as information. The steak can be wonderful, but if it’s delivered on a trash can lid, no one is going to take a bite! That’s why this category of lessons focuses on delivering tips and tactics for creating content that looks polished and professional. You’ll discover how to level-up the perceived value of your content and how to create a professional impression in everything you deliver. You want to be seen as gourmet, not fast food.

8. Content Hacks
These lessons are “next level” tactics you can use to create effective content faster and easier than ever. Inside this collection, you’ll get all sorts of tips, techniques and tactics to make you a better writer. You’ll find how to create really impressive content that “wows” your community, how to avoid the most common writing mistakes, the shortcuts used by some of the best writers, what to do if you get stuck, and so much more. This is what I call the “magic hat” of content creation with lots of ideas for turning words into life-changing resources that your readers will love … and pay for.
Who Is Content Creation U For?

Course Creators



Membership Site Owners

PLR Sellers
- Content Creation U is for you if you are a course creator, blogger, coach, membership site owner, PLR seller or anyone else who is doing business online in need of ongoing free and/or paid content to GROW YOUR BUSINESS.
- Content Creation U is for you if you have never created content before, haven’t had great results from content you’ve created in the past, or are ready to take your content creation to the next level.
- Content Creation U is for you if you serve ANY NICHE by providing (free or paid) content to help them solve their problems, reach their goals or enjoy their interests … in other words, your business is all about making a difference in the lives of other people.
- Content Creation U is for you if you want to IMPROVE your craft, take shortcuts without sacrificing quality, avoid costly mistakes, get unstuck in the areas that are holding you back and free up time for the things that matter most to you.
Which means, Content Creation U is for YOU! This training will become your one go-to resource whenever you need to create any piece of content, from a simple blog post to a multi-module course! As you can see, this really is the ultimate training for learning how to create profitable, effective content. So, what are you waiting for? Get your first module RIGHT NOW…
Here Is What You Will Receive Today…
Module One

Here are the ten lessons you get inside the
first module when you order this training now:
- Three Ways to Create Crowd-Pleasing Content Every Time
- The 3-Step System for Teaching What You Already Know
- The Golden Rule for Getting Read (Pssst, It Just Worked On You)
- 4 Ways to Write Original Content That Stands Out From the Crowd
- The 3-Part System for Beginning Your Content With a Bang
- 11 Questions to Ask When Your Content Flops (to Fix Things Fast)
- The #1 Way to Level-Up the Perceived Value of Your Content
- The #1 Shortcut to Content Creation That the “Best of the Best” Uses
- 8 Things You Must Include to Create a Successful Piece of Content
- The Surest Way to Make Your Customers Happy When They Purchase Your Content
74 Pages Of “No Fluff, No Filler” Training!
Module Two

Here are the ten lessons you get inside the
second module when you order this training now:
- How To Build An Idea Bank For Content Your Audience Will Love
- The 3-Step System For Teaching What Your Audience Wants To Know
- How To Give Your Content A N.A.M.E. That Gets Attention Among The Competition
- 5 Formulas For Crafting Content That Converts Into Cash For You To Spend
- The Pros “Secret Sauce” For Ensuring Product Success
- Good-Better-Best … 10 Finishing Touches To Make Before You Publish
- The 4 Keys To Creating High-Quality Printable Deliverables
- The 15 Biggest Mistakes Content Creators Make (And What To Do Instead)
- 7 Shortcuts For Creating More Content In Less Time
- How To Find Topics Your Readers Really C.A.R.E. About
78 Pages Of “No Fluff, No Filler” Training!
Module Three

Here are the ten lessons you get inside the
third module when you order this training now:
- How To Brainstorm New Ways To Explain Old Ideas
- An Overlooked Method For Finding Talking Points For Your Content
- 8 Keys To Becoming An Influencer In Your Niche With Content
- 22 Types Of Content Your Readers Are Eagerly Waiting For You To Create
- How To Go From Boring To Brilliant With 60-Second Tweaks
- Five Mistakes Almost Every Writer Makes (And How To Find And Fix Them)
- How To Create A High-Value Quick-Start Guide
- 5 Helps For Creating Weekly Content Without Burning Out
- The Content Trilogy: 3 Ways To Put Content To Work For Your Business
- How To Get Unstuck Anytime, Anyplace In The Content Creation Process
84 Pages Of “No Fluff, No Filler” Training!
Module Four

Here are the ten lessons you get inside the
fourth module when you order this training now:
- 4 Insightful Ways To Use Social Media To Come Up With Topic Ideas
- 19 Talking Points For Every Occasion, Type Of Content And Audience
- Seven Sparks That Spread Your Content Like Wildfire
- The Top Ten Profitable Ideas For Repurposing Your Content
- How To Write P.A.G.E.S. Of Content From Start To Finish
- How And Why To Provide Hope (Not Hype)
- How To Draw And Keep Attention In The Spots You Most Want People To See
- Your 5 Best Options For Creating Closes That Get Clicks
- How To Create Effective Introductions And Conclusions
- 4 Ways to Use PLR Content to Accelerate Your Content-Creation Process
81 Pages Of “No Fluff, No Filler” Training!
Module Five

Here are the ten lessons you get inside the
fifth module when you order this training now:
- 52 Tried And True Topics For Any Niche Any Time You Need Content Ideas
- How To Use Question And Answer Sites To Research Your Content
- How To Become A Better Content Creator And Improve Your Brand
- 4 Ways To Outline Content In Record Time (Without Sacrificing Quality)
- How To Q.U.I.C.K.L.Y. Write Your Content
- The 8 Best Tools (And Tips) For Proofing Your Content
- How To Turn Tips Into A High-Value Guidebook
- How To W.R.I.T.E. Your Content So That It Wows Your Community
- The #1 Thing To Do With Your Content To Create Lasting Business Success
- How To Brainstorm In New Ways To Unlock Super-Creative Ideas
74 Pages Of “No Fluff, No Filler” Training!
Module Six

Here are the ten lessons you get inside the
sixth module when you order this training now:
- 3 Winning Ways To Find Out What Your Audience Really Wants
- 5 No-Cost Resources You Can Use 24/7 For Free Research
- 14 Powerfully Effective Ways To Blanket Your Niche With Content
- How To Develop Great Assignments To Create Action-Oriented Content
- How To Write Up To A 1,000 Word Content Piece In Less Than 1 Hour
- 34 Questions To Ask Yourself As You Revise Your Content
- How To Build The Perfect 10-Piece Toolkit
- 11 Cool Tools You Can Use To Brainstorm And Research Ideas
- 10 Business-Building Content Tasks You Can Get Done In 10 Minutes Or Less
- How To Use Your Existing Content To Develop Talking Points For Future Content
72 Pages Of “No Fluff, No Filler” Training!
Module Seven

Here are the ten lessons you get inside the
seventh module when you order this training now:
- 8 Tips For Uber-Successful Brainstorming Sessions
- The Quick And Easy Way To Do Your Content Research
- How To Position Yourself As A Trusted Expert With Every Piece Of Content You Create
- 8 Keys To Creating An Outline That Makes The Writing Process Fast And Easy
- 5 Ideas For Engaging Openers That Bring Readers Eagerly Into Your Content
- 5 Keys To Building Rapport With Your Readers
- 7 Tips For Designing Professional Tools
- The “Fail To Finish” Problem (And How To Easily Solve It)
- The Keys to Creating Content for Every Step of the Buyer’s Journey
- The “Big Four” Ways To Capture Your Ideas (So You Don’t Forget Them!)
74 Pages Of “No Fluff, No Filler” Training!
Module Eight

Here are the ten lessons you get inside the
eighth module when you order this training now:
- How To Find In-Demand Ideas With Ready-To-Buy Customers
- 5 Underused Ways To Gather Talking Points And Ideas For Your Content
- The #1 Key To Creating A Highly Desirable Product
- The Golden Rule Of Content Creation: Thou Shalt Not Confuse Thy Reader
- 10 Surefire Ways To Get Your Audience To Read Your Content From Beginning To End
- 6 Really Good Recommendations For An Easier And More Effective Fine-Tuning Process
- 7 Keys To Showcasing Your Content In A Professional, Powerful Way
- How To Brainstorm Topic Gaps That No One Else Is Really Talking About
- The Definitive Guide To Polishing Your Content And Pleasing Your Customers
- 5 Guidelines For Turning Your Passion Into Profit
70 Pages Of “No Fluff, No Filler” Training!
Module Nine

Here are the ten lessons you get inside the
ninth module when you order this training now:
- How To Use The “Opposite Method” To Brainstorm Oodles Of Good Ideas
- The 3-Step System For Teaching What Your Competitors Know
- How To Create Useful Content For Different Audiences
- 4 Keys To Strategically Structuring Longer Pieces Of Content
- How To Create Evergreen Content That Satisfies Your Audience For The Long Term
- 5 Ways To Make Your Content Exponentially Better
- How To Get People To Read Your Content In One Simple Step
- 20 Content Hacks For Growing Your List, Traffic And Sales
- How To Decide Whether You Should Hire A Proofreader Or Do It Yourself
- The Most Important Thing You Can Do To Turn Good Content Into Great Content
71 Pages Of “No Fluff, No Filler” Training!
Module Ten

Here are the ten lessons you get inside the
tenth module when you order this training now:
- The Right Way To Survey Your Audience To Find Out What They Want
- 7 Simple Ways To Come Up With Ideas From Your Competitors
- How To Co-Author Content To Build Your Brand And Authority
- How To Decide The Right Length For Any Piece Of Content
- 6 Rules For Creating Content That Readers Love
- 3 Ways To Make Sure Your Audience Gets What They Want From Your Content
- Your 2 Best Options For Turning Your Text Into A PDF
- How To Turn Content Into Cash With A Zero-Dollar Budget
- The #1 Way To Impress Your Readers With Your Content
- The Curious Way Word Choice Affects How Your Audience Perceives Your Content
65 Pages Of “No Fluff, No Filler” Training!
Module Eleven

Here are the ten lessons you get inside the
eleventh module when you order this training now:
- How To Kickstart Your Creativity To Generate Great Content Ideas
- Four Of My Favorite Options For Getting Audience Insights
- How To Create A Powerful, Popular Brand That People Love
- 20 Best Practices For Creating Better Pieces Of Content
- How To Create Unique Content (And Stay Out Of Legal Hot Water)
- The 2-Step System For Streamlining And Strengthening Your Content
- 3 Surefire Ways To Get Your Hands On Some Really Good Graphics
- 5 Ways To Uncover Niches And Topic Ideas That You Didn’t Even Know Existed
- The One Often-Overlooked Thing You Must Do To Be Successful With Your Content
- How To Use Academic Research (Boring?) To Expand Your Talking Points (Brilliant!)
67 Pages Of “No Fluff, No Filler” Training!
Module Twelve

Here are the ten lessons you get inside the
twelfth module when you order this training now:
- How To Find The Perfect Niche For Your Content In 60 Minutes Or Less
- 7 Questions To Answer To See If A Research Source Is Reputable (So You Facts Are Legit)
- How To Create Content That Establishes You As A Trusted Expert
- The 5-Step System For Creating A Content Calendar That Gets Results
- 6 Types Of Templates To Use For Faster And Easier Content Creation
- How To Find And Hire A Professional To Proof Your Content
- How To Optimize Your Content For The Search Engines
- Getting Other People To Do What You Don’t Have The Time, Ability Or Interest To Do
- The 2 Approaches To The Craft Of Creating Better Content
- How To Create Content Faster And Easier Than Ever With A Swipe File
70 Pages Of “No Fluff, No Filler” Training!
This Really Is Your Complete “Content Creation Education”
As you can see, these modules are absolutely packed with shortcuts, tips and great advice that will immediately help you with creating content that your audience will love. So here’s the bottom line with the Content Creation U training…
You won’t find a better way to help you create content faster, easier and more profitably than ever before. It’s the only resource you’ll need to teach you how to create all the content you’ll ever need. It will help you do everything about your business, because content is at the center of it all.
If your idea of the perfect business is to make a real difference in the lives of other people
while making a living for yourself, then Content Creation U is for you.
Content is what will make the difference. Like I said earlier, your results will only be as good as your content is. Your effectiveness in helping others depends upon it. Your ability to satisfy customers and keep them coming back depends upon it. Your goal of creating a dream business online depends upon it. And you can depend upon Content Creation U as you work towards these outcomes!
And that’s why you’re going to want to download this training today! That leaves just one question…
How Much Is The 120-Lesson Training Program?
You’d expect a training program like this to cost a lot. After all, if you ordered each of these monthly modules separately, you’d easily pay $47 each for them, which is what I normally charge for my courses of this size. That’s nearly $500 per year for the full set of 12 modules.
And if you hired me to personally coach you on all my content insights and best practices, then you’d easily be looking at $1000 or more for my training (my current email coaching rates are $997.00 per month).
But listen, you don’t need to shell out $1000 today. You don’t even need to spend $500. It would be worth the price, but I want to offer you the best possible deal…
So here it is: when you order right now, you’ll pay just $197.00. That’s just $1.64 per lesson. And that is a price that you can afford, you can get excited about, you can profit from. Listen…
EVERYONE who does any kind of business online in any niche NEEDS CONTENT. And this jam-packed 12-module training program will show you how to create it faster, easier and more effectively. Download the training today to start becoming a better content creator. What are you waiting for? Let’s get you started creating content that helps your audience and helps your business today by becoming a satisfied customer of Content Creation U.
Get Your Special Pricing And Instant Access
To All 120 Lessons By Ordering Now…
The Exact Strategies I’ve Been Using And Perfecting
In My Own Content-Driven Business For Over 20 Years!
“I want to teach people like you what I know,
so you can teach other people what you know.” – Jimmy D. Brown

Order the Content Creation U training and get instant access to all 12 modules
with 120 lessons totaling 869 pages organized in eight easy-to-use categories.
- Your one-stop training (120 lessons) for content creation that builds and monetizes your list, generates and converts website traffic, and develops sellable products.
- Everything you need (and nothing you don’t) to create effective content THAT PEOPLE LOVE by helping them solve their problems, reach their goals and enjoy their interests.
- A comprehensive library (869 pages) that you can work your way through at your own pace and refer to over and over again for life to craft every new piece of content into one that gets results.
- All the shortcuts, strategies and systems that I’ve been using for the past 20 years to build a business that has given me the freedom and flexibility to live for what matters most to me.
This Is Your Complete “Content Creation Education!”
Choose Which Ordering Option
Is The Right Fit For You…

Option One: Personal Use Only
Would you like to download this product for your own personal reading? This is the option for you! For one great price, you can immediately download this product in .pdf format for you to read on your computer or favorite device, or print out. You will immediately access this product below to READ yourself, but you can’t share the content with others (in whole or in part) in any way. The “personal” version is for you to download, read and apply without passing on any of the information to other people (selling, giving away, excerpting, rewriting, etc.). This is a great way to get quality training to help you grow your business at a budget-friendly price.
You will receive the product in uneditable PDF format for your personal reading.
You MAY NOT sell or give away any portion of the product to other people.

Option Two: Private Label Rights (PLR)
Would you like to SELL this product for $197.00 per order and keep 100% of sale you make? This is the option for you! When you order the PLR version, you will get this product in editable .docx format for you to rebrand and sell as your own. You will also get a sales letter in .docx format. Simply format it to match your current site design, insert your order button, and you’re ready to take orders. Sell just a handful of copies, and you‘ll have your investment returned. Everything else is pure profit! You can add your name and branding to it, edit it in any way you want, extract from it or add to it or distribute it as is, sell it or give it away in whole or in part, and use it as if you wrote it yourself. There are many ways you can use this product in your business… click here for ideas and terms of use. Note: There are no refunds for PLR.
You will receive the product and salesletter in editable DOCX format.
You MAY sell or give away any portion of the product to other people.

Option Three: Master Licensing (Sell PLR)
Would you like to SELL LICENSING to the product for $997.00 per order and keep 100% of every sale you make (plus sell personal use versions of the product for $197.00 per order)? This is the option for you! When you order the master PLR version, you will receive all of the benefits of PLR licensing (Option Two above) plus your master PLR license entitles you sell licensing (PLR, resell / resale, etc.) to the entire course. Or you can take any piece out of the course and sell PLR licensing to that individual piece. Or you can compile multiple pieces to create your own unique package of PLR content to sell to others. Or you can tweak any of the content and create new PLR from it. You cannot advertise PLR to this package for less than $997 $247 (“MAP” pricing – minimum advertised price) unless you request and receive special permission in writing. Note: There are no refunds for Master PLR.
You will receive the product and salesletter in editable DOCX format.
You MAY sell the product AND licensing to the product to other people.
Best regards,

P.S. Want to be absolutely sure I’m the one who can help you with creating content that generates benefits for your audience and profits for your business? Here’s all you need to know…
Hi, I’m Jimmy!
Some of you who are reading this know exactly who I am. You’ve seen me coach others. You’ve seen me speak at conferences. You’ve seen my trainings. You know my story. You may even be a long-time customer.
But for those who don’t know me, let me introduce myself…
I’m Jimmy D. Brown, and I’ve been making a full-time living online for over two decades (since August 2000). During that time, I’ve overseen the creation of over 150 of my own products related to running an online business, but I’m widely known for teaching my favorite subject: content creation.
Since my start, I’ve refined and field-tested my strategies for creating and selling content. I’ve made millions from my own content. I have customers on every continent except Antarctica, many of whom have licensed my content to sell as their own.
Normally in sales letters like this one, it’s important to focus on YOU the reader. But, in this particular case, it’s important to focus on ME the trainer in this section. Why?
Because if you’re going to order Content Creation U
then you need to know that I know what I’m talking about.
None of what I said above is meant to brag or boast. That’s not my thing. In fact, I’m a little reluctant to say any of these things, but I know that it’s important to establish credibility. As I said, you need to know that I know what I’m talking about. And after you order Content Creation U, you will.
In fact, the greatest testimony about the kind of content you will download from this site is simply this…
My customers keep coming back.
Why? Because I know what I’m talking about when I talk about content creation. It’s my primary focus. It’s what I do. And I’ve developed a reputation for explaining things in an easy-to-understand, easy-to-apply manner that my customers can actually benefit from and, ultimately, profit from. I love to simplify complex processes. And…
I want to help you help others.
Whatever niche you’re in, I’m guessing you do one or more of the “big three” things that I strive for in my own business…
3. You help people better enjoy their interests.
You’re in the business of helping people. What I want to do is help you help those in your tribe.
I want to teach people like you what I know,
so you can teach other people what you know.
Benefit for your audience. Profit for your business. Will you join me and let me help you get these two results? Let’s get started right now because when you order the Content Creation U training, there is nothing left for you to try figuring out on your own.
Click the order button below to get access to all of my systems, strategies and shortcuts to complete your “content creation education.” Let’s turn your passion into profit…

I’ve been running my information product business while
enjoying my life which involves doing a lot of actual running. 🙂
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